Jumat, 30 Desember 2011

Typho: I'm Blogazine Addict

Blogger is my inspiration,my addiction,I love it so much,especially design.Maybe I am not master in HTML or CSS or anything but I interest it,its enjoyable for me.even blogging is addictive for me,I will blog anything that I can do.Expressing anything that I can want,Writing about the world untill I died.Blogging is my life,don't apart me from My love,Yang Penting Share

This is my simple Idea about typography.Yeah that you see its not good looks like the other.But I made it special for Kopizine,especially My brother KimZigr N4 that made a challenge to make the typography about my mind about blogging and unique post.This is not unique post,just express my self that lack of capabilty in blogging.I hope you criticize my design well


Hanya Postingan unik tentang typography.Postingan ini dipersembahkan buat Teman-teman Kopizine spesial buat Bang Kim,Hendro,dan bang Dhani,bang Andre serta teman-teman yang lainnya.Salam Kopizine

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